Key Keg
Poured from single use keg systems developed by KEY KEG (Netherlands) Each keg is equipped with patented Double Wall™ and Bag-in-Keg™ technology. Air assisted dispensing ensures wines are never exposed to any gas or propellants thus safeguarding your wines intended flavour and quality. 20 litre kegs are 100% recyclable and have a shelf life of 8 months and 3 months once tapped. By simply making use of a Key Keg coupler, kegs can be attached to almost any new or existing tap lines. Once the KeyKeg is empty, simply disconnect the coupler, crunch up the keg for space saving reasons and dispose of the item in any recycle bin.
WineTap together with KeyKeg provides the best possible protection for your wine and ensures that each glass is as fresh as the last. Cost effective for retailers, quality for consumers, serve WineTap!
If you would like to learn more about this innovative tech click on the YouTube icon below or simply reach out via our contact page.